Thursday, December 19, 2019

Amare Global Explains the Link Between Your Diet and Your Mental Wellness

It’s not advisable to put diesel fuel in vehicles that run on gasoline. Doing so would ruin the engine, and have disastrous consequences to the vehicle. Amare Global likens this to putting the wrong kind of fuel to your body: if you don’t eat right, then your diet—which acts as our body’s fuel—can become detrimental to your health. 

Many physicians have determined that what you eat has a significant impact on your overall health. In fact, by eating the right things, you may find that your mental health has improved, particularly when it comes to your moods, emotions, and struggles with anxiety and depression. 

Here are some of the things that you should munch on: 

1. Fruits and vegetables to help fight depression
There are definite mental health benefits to diets that involve less processed and refined food, says Amare Global. A randomized trial determined that participants who partook of a Mediterranean-style diet in three weeks experienced a significant drop in depression symptoms. Other studies continued to prove that people with diets with more fruits and vegetables showed considerable improvements in their depression symptoms as well.

2. Get a dose of omega-3 fatty acids and probiotics
If that name seems familiar, it may be because it’s been touted as the most significant health benefit to eating salmon and tomatoes. Many studies have pointed out how omega-3 fatty acids play a role in suicide prevention. Also, food rich in probiotics, such as legumes and whole grains, can experience relief from stress and anxiety. Amare Global encourages consumption of these food products not just for their heart-healthy benefits, but for their mental health benefits as well.*

3. Eat the rainbow to support normal inflammatory levels
Certain studies have found a correlation between depression symptoms and inflammation in the body. By eating a rainbow diet—vibrant colors like peppers, blueberries, sweet potatoes, kale, and tomatoes—that prevents inflammation, you can significantly improve your mental health. They also facilitate the growth of new brain cells through our adult years.
Our food is just as important to our minds’ health as it is for the health of our bodies. Discover what else Amare Global recommends to maintain the best mental health possible.

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