Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Amare Global: Stress Management Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

You wake up in the morning, and a feeling of dread overcomes you right away. All you can think about is the lengthy list of tasks in your planner that you must get done. Today. And naturally, stress begins to rule you. The good news? You can take back the reins by employing a few easy-to-implement stress management tips, according to Amare Global, a leading mental wellness company.

The reality is, you can’t completely avoid stress. However, you can learn how to manage stress in the best manner possible. As a general rule of thumb, stress management is a highly individualized concept, so your technique for effectively managing stress may vary from another individual’s. However, one approach that Amare Global promotes in its unique Project b3 stress management program is to manage how your body responds to stress.

For instance, try breathing in fives, as this can help you to calm down an overactive response to stress. This will, in turn, activate your body’s natural relaxation response. You can practice this breathing technique in under 90 seconds by first sitting or standing comfortably and quietly. Then, inhale deeply and slowly through the nose for five seconds. Next, hold your breath for five seconds. Afterward, you’ll want to slowly release your breath through the mouth for five seconds. Repeat this multi-step process five times.

Keep in mind, though, that how your body responds to stressful situations is never a constant. Rather, you may go through periods in your life when you experience either less or more stress. Likewise, you might withstand stress far better in certain times versus other times. However, if you keep the breathing in fives technique in mind and exercise it regularly, you can increase your chances of living your best life no matter what stressful situations life may bring.

Amare Global: How to Reduce Your Stress Levels This Fall

As you end summer and enter fall, you feel as though you are trying to balance a million things on both hands while walking a tightrope amid the global COVID-19 pandemic. You may simultaneously be balancing working; leading your children through virtual learning; keeping your children involved in their regular extracurricular activities; and, of course, making sure that everyone wears their pandemic masks while out and about. Fortunately, it is indeed possible to keep your stress levels under control even when your world feels out of control, according to mental wellness company Amare Global. Here’s how.

For starters, it is important that you avoid stress as much as possible. This is one of the key tenets of Project b3—a popular Amare Global program that promotes stress management. This approach to stress management might seem overly simplistic. However, if you try to avoid stress consistently going forward, it will yield the best return for your time over and over again. Additionally, it will help you to lay a strong foundation for practices that are more intensive in the future.

Avoiding stress is particularly critical because when you are not stressed, your cortisol levels won’t increase. High levels of cortisol can negatively impact your health long term and exacerbate the anxiety that you are already feeling. No—avoiding stress all of the time isn’t realistic. However, with appropriate planning, you certainly could avoid some stress. For instance, you could leave earlier for work to avoid sitting in traffic—a major cause of stress in large cities.

Of course, if you need a little more help with managing your stress levels, you may also want to consider taking OmMega from Amare Global. This daily fish oil supplement can easily reduce your reactions to even the greatest levels of stress in as little as three weeks.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, August 28, 2020

Amare Global: It’s High Time You Reboot Your Body—Here’s How

Your body is a lot like a computer: It can’t keep going and going without being rebooted every once in a while. Why? Because restarting a computer allows you to flush away all temporary, random, and unimportant data that are bogging down the system. In the same way, giving yourself a reboot with the right foods and supplements can keep your “machine” running optimally, according to wellness company Amare Global. Here’s a rundown on some of the best things to consume to “reboot” your body today.

First, take some nuts and seeds with you to snack on during the day. The best nuts include pecans, which offer the greatest antioxidant benefit compared with other nuts. However, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, and macadamia nuts are also excellent for resetting your body. The same is true for seeds such as chia, sunflower, pumpkin, and sesame seeds.

Second, be sure to eat plenty of fruit, as they are also effective for giving your body a reboot. The best fruits to snack on for this purpose include blackberries, raspberries, grapes, strawberries, and blueberries.

Also, consider adding Amare Global’s Reboot+ to the mix. This three-day system allows you to reset the connection between your gut and your brain, called the gut-brain axis. This is critical in that this axis has a major impact on how you feel both physically and emotionally.


The Reboot+ system features phytonutrients and herbs that essentially help your body to detoxify itself. In this way, it resets the microbiome balance in your gut. The system's key ingredients have been proven to prevent damage to your liver two to three times more effective than other detoxification supplements can.


All in all, with the right snacks, and with Reboot+ by Amare Global, you can easily feel like a new person both physically and mentally in no time.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Amare Global: The Right Moves Can Keep Your Brain Functioning at Its Optimum

These days, you feel as though your brain is constantly “on.” You’re repeatedly trying to retain, retrieve, and apply information. The problem is, your brain feels more sluggish than you’d like it to be, and it’s affecting your daily productivity. Fortunately, just a few tips can help you to kick your brain into gear, according to Amare Global, a leading mental wellness firm.

First, avoiding skipping meals, as eating regularly helps you to sustain your body’s energy, according to Amare Global. Even if you find yourself constantly on the go, you can keep snacking by packing a healthy snack for yourself each day. For instance, consider packing portable foods like dried fruit, whole fruit, or nuts with you. You can easily store these items in your backpack or bag.

Second, avoid over-dieting. Your goal should be to eat remain fit and healthy—not necessarily to finally make it into a particular outfit. If you try to follow strict eating rules, this often backfires and can be dangerous.

Third, adopt a well-balanced diet. For instance, be sure to incorporate vegetables, fruits, and whole grains into your meals. Don't leave out eggs, fish, poultry, and lean meats, either. Also, try to stick with foods that are low in salt, cholesterol, and sugar.

Amare Global also offers a product known as MentaFocus that is designed to keep your brain operating on 10. This product can supercharge the brain using key phytonutrients that are clinically proven to support cognitive functioning, creativity, clarity, mental sharpness, and focus. Through the combination of this supplement and well-thought-out dietary choices, you can be well on your way to maintaining a top-notch brain no matter what life throws your way in the months and years ahead.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Friday, June 19, 2020

Amare Global: Believe It or Not, You Have a Second Brain You Should Know About

Remember the last moment when you felt “butterflies” take over your stomach because you were nervous? You might not have realized this at that time, but you were likely receiving signals from your body’s second brain, according to Amare Global, leading mental wellness company. Let’s take a look at this second brain, which is located inside of your gut; how it’s connected to your body’s main brain; and what you can do help this brain-gut connection.

In your digestive system exists your enteric nervous system, or ENS, also known as your body’s second brain. This system is essentially made up of two relatively thin layers featuring millions of nerve cells that line your body’s gastrointestinal tract. These cells stretch from your rectum to your gastrointestinal tract.

The main role of the ENS is to control your digestion. This second brain isn’t capable of producing thoughts like your body’s main brain does. However, it does communicate with your first brain, and the results of this ongoing conversation are profound. For instance, the second brain might trigger major emotional shifts in you if you are experiencing bowel issues, such as an upset stomach, bloating, loose stools, or constipation.

Researchers have long believed that feelings like anxiety contributed to bowel problems. However, recent research has shown that the opposite may be true, with gastrointestinal system issues sending signals to your central nervous system that trigger changes in your mood.

In light of this, Amare Global offers products aimed at improving your gut and brain health. For instance, Amare Global’s Reboot+ is designed to help you to reset your body’s gut-brain axis in just three days. This blend of phytonutrients and natural herbs helps to facilitate your body’s detoxification process. With this type of product, you can help both your main brain and the second brain to operate better and thus improve your quality of life long term.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Amare Global: The Right Diet & Supplements Will Keep You Going and Going

Tired of feeling tired? Ready to wake up, say you’ll conquer the day, and actually do it? Well, you’ve got to give yourself the right fuel to make this happen, and that’s where diet comes in, according to Amare Global, a leading mental wellness firm. Here are some important tidbits for eating right so that you can feel right and function well day in and day out.

For starters, try to incorporate more whole grains and dairy products that are low fat or fat-free into your diet. Also, choose a diet that emphasizes more vegetables and fruits. Furthermore, be sure to consume lean meats, nuts, eggs, beans, fish, and poultry. And stick with a diet that features low amounts of added sugars, salt, cholesterol, trans fat, and saturated fats.

In addition, try not to skip meals, according to Amare Global. Eating consistently during the day gives your body and brain a steady fuel supply. It can also keep the level of sugar in your blood from plummeting, which can result in irritability and nervousness.

Furthermore, consider adding a nutrition product to your diet to further give your body and brain the boost they both need. For instance, Amare Global offers the Amare FundaMentals Pack PLUS, which targets and supports the main psychological drivers behind mental wellness via the gut-brain-heart axis. Also, for the kids, you could take advantage of Amare Global's Kids VitaGBX, a multivitamin that combines over 50 phytonutrients, amino acids, minerals, and vitamins necessary for proper growth and development.*

With the right diet and supplement, you can put both yourself and your entire family on the path to providing fuel to your brains, boosting your energy, and even counteracting stress’s effect on your bodies, according to Amare Global. In other words, you can feel more empowered both mentally and physically in the months and years ahead.*

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Amare Global on Mental Training

Amare Global genuinely believes in the powerful impact of disrupting the status quo of mental wellness, challenging the stigmas, and providing uplifting hope to millions of people, then eventually billions around the world. Amare Global continues to strive to be as purposeful in all of our work and to do well through our innovations.

Modern neuroscience is continuously discovering new and effective ways that will help develop our brains for a more enhanced mental strength and performance. At any age, through consistent training, we can help our brains to be more healthy and fit.

As much as we need specific physical exercises and activities to improve our body strength, agility, and flexibility, exercise and other practices are also beneficial for our brains. Our bodies do not become stronger and perform better after doing some exercises once. The same applies to our brains. If you want to improve your mental performance, you will need sufficient effort, time, and consistency. You can try out so many specific exercises to practice consistently such as journaling, reading more, and solving puzzles, to experience greater courage, confidence, composure, clarity, and creativity to cultivate happier, healthier, and more rewarding lives.

Founded as “The Mental Wellness Company” in 2016, Amare Global spent the better part of 2017 building a holistic mental wellness platform of products, programs, and people. With a vision to lead the mental wellness revolution worldwide, Amare Global’s nutraceutical products focuses on modulation of the microbiome and optimization of the gut-brain axis (GBX) which helps improve many aspects of one's mental wellbeing. The combination of ancient natural wisdom and modern scientific innovations makes up the product formulations, which helps develop natural health products and programs based on the promising science of microbiome.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Amare Global Reviews the Universal Language of What Love Means

In a world where people are inclined to put their needs before others' (think toilet paper hoarding during the COVID-19 pandemic), it is easy to fall into this trap yourself. However, a part of you realizes that Mom was right: It is better to give than to receive, and you will eventually reap what you sow. The reality, though, is that you can't truly love others without first loving yourself. This is why the Amare FundaMentals Pack remains a top choice among individuals seeking to step up their self-care and self-love game, based on Amare Global reviews.

According to Amare Global, many kinds of love exist. For instance, you could use “love” to describe how you feel about chicken tikka masala. At the same time, you can use this word to describe your feelings toward the Los Angeles Lakers and your girlfriend. This universal language transcends languages and dialects. This is exactly why Amare Global decided to use it as its identity (the meaning of “Amare” is “to love”). And it is also the inspiration behind the Amare FundaMentals Pack, an award-winning mental wellness product designed to promote a healthy body, mind, and spirit.*

The Amare FundaMentals Pack helps to promote a healthy gut microbiome, which is important for regulating your wellness and mood. This pack is also capable of boosting your focus and helping you to manage pressure more confidently. In addition, the Amare FundaMentals Pack is designed to boost your strength, resilience, mental performance, and physical performance.*

Supplementing your daily diet with the Amare FundaMentals Pack is an easy way to show yourself a lot of love by nourishing your mind and body, and, in turn, more easily love others. All in all, it will allow you to enhance your financial, physical, and mental wellness so that you can effectively add value to other people’s lives in the weeks and months ahead.*

Amare Global Reviews Protein That’s Delicious and Nutritious

Looking to manage weight and build up your muscles? A protein product needs to be a key component of your daily diet. However, not all protein products are created equal. One product that stands out in the industry is GBX Protein by Amare Global, according to Amare Global reviews. This product happens to be the first of its kind, as it is also designed to support your gut-brain axis and mental wellness.*

GBX Protein is an all-natural microbiome-boosting plant protein that has been proven to improve your microbiome balance. This is critical because the microbiome aids in several metabolic processes and overall gut health. The microbiome additionally has an important impact on your organs’ interaction.*

GBX Protein is also specially formulated to help you to control your appetite and increase your energy. This protein product furthermore nourishes the good bacteria in your gut, and helps to ensure that your muscle mass remains healthy. You can expect to feel fuller with GBX Protein as well.*

Every serving of this vegan protein product by Amare Global features 17 grams of plant-based, non–genetically modified organism, ultra-pure vegan protein containing nine important amino acids in precise ratios. In addition, it contains premium Artesa chickpea protein that is sustainably sourced from North America and Western Canada. The product is also dairy-free, soy-free, gluten-free, and sugar-free, in addition to containing no preservatives or artificial sweeteners, flavors, and colors.

The GBX Protein product furthermore stands out for its smooth taste and flavor. Also, the protein's rate of absorption by the body is 96%, which is high in comparison with other products. All in all, this product is an excellent option if you are looking to increase your strength as well as improve your gut integrity, gastric motility, and bacteria diversification in the months and years ahead.*

Friday, March 20, 2020

Amare Global: Step Up Your Veggie Game with Amare Global GBX SuperFood

You’re at a party, and you’re suddenly given the opportunity to choose between a carrot stick and a Twix bar. Your first inclination may be to grab the Twix bar, but in the back of your mind, you hear Mom’s voice, and she’s telling you, “Eat your veggies!” The great news is that eating your veggies can now actually be enjoyable and delectable thanks to a leading product by Amare Global, called GBX SuperFood.

GBX SuperFood offers the unique blend of three fruit and vegetable servings, which are essential for your health. That's because vegetables and fruits are rich in dietary fiber, vitamins, and nutrients that your body needs daily. The proprietary blend found in GBX SuperFood includes tart cherry, strawberry, broccoli, and carrot. You'll also find pomegranate, kale, spinach, and beetroot in the blend.

GBX SuperFood, which is rich in phytobiotics, also stands out for delivering anti-stress advantages at the cellular level. This product essentially protects your cells from various stressors, thus ultimately enabling your gut and brain to operate their optimal levels. In addition, the GBX SuperFood blend features Spirulina—a protein-rich algae that helps to establish gastric balance and integrity.*

Amare Global has also added enzyme-treated Japanese asparagus to the GBX SuperFood mixture, as this vegetable helps to support both cognitive function and mood.*

Getting yourself on track to eating properly can no doubt be a battle in a world of sweet temptations. Fortunately, GBX SuperFood can easily be added to your morning shake or smoothie for a convenient way to add more fruits and veggies to your diet. In this way, you can effortlessly heed Mom’s advice without stressing over how to fit multiple servings of fruits and veggies into your daily diet. With this blend, you can feel confident that you will enjoy a better level of health and overall wellbeing for years to come.*

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Amare Global On How Employers Can Help Employees with PTSD

Amare Global has talked and interacted with many customers who have used their products to soothe symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. 
PTSD affects a considerable percentage of employees and workers around the world. Therefore, employers must be made aware of what it means to have employees that have PTSD. This would empower employers with empathy to help their employees cope with PTSD in whatever means they can. 
People who have PTSD can experience anxiety, flashbacks, and intrusive thoughts. They can happen anytime from a variety of triggers, including ones at the workplace. Therefore, employers can:
1. Give employees with PTSD flexible time
Amare Global has seen some positive effects on employees with PTSD who receive workplace accommodations. One of the common ones is to have flexible schedules, particularly for accommodating treatment and appointments. The right psychotherapy can help cope with PTSD tremendously and allow the employee to perform their job well.
2. Provide quiet rooms or noise-canceling headphones
Employers might be surprised at how effective quiet areas or noise-canceling equipment can be for those who have PTSD. By isolating themselves from external stimuli, employees are better able to focus and concentrate on their work. It also limits instances of hearing or seeing a trigger when they’re not distracted by them.
3. Special supervisory accommodations
The easiest one, says Amare Global, could be giving PTSD-suffering employees clear instructions in writing. Special supervisory acts like these can allow employees who do not cope well with verbal instructions to more clearly understand and handle what is expected of them.
For employees with PTSD, these kinds of accommodation could be invaluable. Amare Global feels that employers should consider these benefits for PTSD-sufferers and enable them to perform to their full potential, unhindered by trauma. Visit Amare Global for other means to improve mental health.

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Amare Global Recommends Mood-Boosting Food Products

Part of Amare Global’s push for holistic mental wellness includes taking the customer’s nutrition into account. What you eat directly affects both the body and the mind. You might be surprised at how your mood and sense of self can transform with some adjustments to your diet. Today, Amare is going to discuss how food products can help you.

Are you feeling sad?

During the winter season—with the cold, the snow, and the holiday blues—plenty of adults find themselves afflicted by a different kind of sadness.

Amare Global points out that while taking care of your mental health is important, you can also help improve your mood by changing your diet. Here are a few recommendations on what you should have in your pantry.

Fatty Fish
Rich in B12 and omega-3 fatty acids, these two vital nutrients are proven to have decreased depression symptoms and to improve your mood.

Leafy green vegetables
Leafy green vegetables are instrumental in beating back sadness. They are rich in folate and Vitamin B12. Both of them can boost serotonin levels in the body and get you out of a slump.

Dark Chocolate
Amare Global says now’s the time to eat some chocolate or take a sip of it out of a hot cup. Dark chocolate can trigger the release of the body’s endorphins, helping you feel happier and more positive. It is also the hormone that is also responsible for the giddy feeling of being in love. 

Fruits and Berries
Fiber is essential in getting the good bacteria in the gut going, and fruits and berries are rich in them. Also, berries have been shown to reduce cortisol, a stress hormone bringing your mood down.

Understanding what you’re putting into your body and how it can help you feel is important if you want to conquer the winter blues. Visit Amare Global to learn more about other food products and supplements to empower your mental wellness.*